Thursday, February 26, 2009

Week Two Results

I had my second weigh in at WW on Wed. night. I was a little surprised but delighted - I had lost 2 more lbs! That's a total of 5 lbs 4 oz!! I didn't drink as much water or get all my dairy in this past week, so I was afraid I hadn't lost any. I was trying to prepare myself for the worst so I wouldn't get discouraged, but thankfully was surprised. I've increased my activity some and if I can stay on task (boy, that sounded like school) this week should be good too. Hope so. I hope Kelly & Cathy had a good week too. Rhonda, hope you enjoyed the cruise! Good luck to everyone for the coming week!


  1. Good job, Sue!!!! I'm proud of you. You are doing good!!

  2. Congratulations! 2 lbs is great! Good luck this week!

  3. Good job, Sue! Keep it up, girl!

  4. You are off to such a great start!!! Keep it up, I am back in the race to loose it all now.
